Time will teach you just that

Watch for the Wind, Grey-haired Peacemaker
When spreads the waves, among hills
And likes to warm his bones in summer sun
But then you see Him as forests' breaker
With fury cruel as steel 
He's young as God
Feels free like God
And stuns,
Then calms

With many days,
In many ways,
Time will teach you just that,
It’ll get you down
It’ll screw you up
Till you can tell the grain
From the chaff
You’ll wriggle out
You will fight back
You’ll think 
You are still too young
Time will teach you just that
Just that,
Peace of heart

Many people time heals of their hurts,
Quiet stormy waves of their blood
Maybe in your own autumn days
It will bring unwanted gift of that.

What can you learn
From icy museums
Monuments of human grace
Old people sitting quiet by the walls,
Books so full of wisdom trace
Hidden in glass graves
Simply closed
Almost dead

With many days,
In many ways,
Time will teach you just that,
It’ll get you down
It’ll screw you up
Till you can tell the grain
From the chaff
You’ll wriggle out
You will fight back
You’ll think 
You are still too young
Time will teach you just that
Just that,
Peace of heart

Translation of Grazyna Łobaszewska’s song “Czas nas uczy pogody”

Most asparing new version in Polish here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kip7JQUdMDo

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