
This is probably the most important Polish rock anthem of my generation.

Lirycs are not complicated but this is the fabric of which the core of my soul is made.

Don’t disregard that when you deal with us Poles

Here the most entertaining video with this song on Youtube
Little I only asked
Little I just desired
So little saw my eyes
Seeing much more don’t require

So little I ever thought
So little I matter to you
I haven’t heard a lot
I’m little able too

But freedom
I love and understand
For freedom
I’ll fight till any end

So little I ever had
So little I still have
I can give away all of that
Alone I can ever be left

But freedom
I love and understand
For freedom
I’ll fight till any end

So little I ever had
So little I still have
I can get away from all of that
Alone I can ever be left

But freedom
I love and understand
For freedom
I’ll fight till any end

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