Dust to Dust. Ashes to Ashes

“Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes…”

Genesis 18:31

Music is important here – Passenger Let her go

I know that,
There are limits
To human suffering
Beyond which
You brake
And all courage
Has been taken
Away from you.

I know that,
There are acts
Of humiliation
Which can
Dehumanize you
And devoid you
Of any willingness
To fight back
Even for dignity
Not winning

I know that
There are ways
To be cruel
When the hatred
Towards your
Own self
Tries to destroy
Anything of value
In your path
Especially what
You love

I know it all
I haven’t read
About it
Haven’t been told
About it
Haven’t seen it
In a movie…

I felt it all
And I’m still here
To tell the tell

So please
Take your toys back
And play your games
In your emotional kindergarten
I don’t play
Hide and seek
Come back when
Your are ready
For school
We can learn
How to love
The way
It doesn't hurt

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