
“She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her hair was as black as a raven’s wing, her eyes as green as emeralds, and her skin as pale as moonlight.” (Chapter 3)

“Yennefer was a sorceress, a wielder of powerful magic and a master of manipulation. She was cunning and ruthless, with a sharp mind and a tongue to match.” (Chapter 5)

“She was a woman of contradictions – both fiercely independent and deeply vulnerable, with a past that haunted her and a future that she was determined to control.” (Chapter 7)

“Yennefer was a force to be reckoned with, her power and presence commanding respect from all those around her. But beneath her confident exterior, there was a deep well of pain and longing that she kept hidden from the world.” (Chapter 10)

“Her beauty was not just skin deep, but emanated from within. She had a fire in her soul that burned bright and a strength that could not be extinguished.” (Chapter 13)

Sapkowski – The Witcher
So eye-catching beautiful
So intensly charming
So much radiating with youthful seduction
Nothing short of perfection

I can only stand there
The impression
I am not bothered
But I am
Deeply distracted
Hopelessly induced
By the beams of her charm
The hag stone won’t work
Zen mastery of no mind
Practised for years
Crushed in a moment
Of that awe
Owing only to the fear
Of losing her sight
That I’m holding it
In silence
Looking cool
And aloof

And I am filled with joy
And fear at the same time
Enjoying her spectacular display
But scared by the realisation of
What happens
To my mind
When she goes away
One day
When I realise
I will never
See her again

I know that pain
I loved that much before
Nearly killed me
Almost did

I was younger though
But if you asked me
If I had a choice
Could block this feeling
Could make it oblige
To my will and reason
And choose
To love
Or not to love

On the pain of …
That pain
Which does not go away
in hours
or days
but lingers on
for months,

Which breaks
Men completely
And make them feel

I’d still choose …

But I don’t have that choice
Do I?

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