Return of the Queen

“She thinks – ‘O! Theacher, gentle, vast sublime,

Strange lesson this for one upheld by thee,

But though hast help for man’s most adverse time,

And in worst bondage aidest to be free.

Yet while I look within me wisdom fails,

I seem all dark and weak, an erring child,

When most I need it least thy love avails,

And Truth’s pure brightness shows me all defiled.”

Sterling, John Pseudonym: Archæus – Lady Jane Grey 1838

Music for the Queen –

My Lady Jane
Oh, Our Lady
How elated Thou return us made
We were truly struck with pain
Your deposition made it
Seeing your short accession fade

They took You from us
And told us it was done
Said You were executed
You’re gone forever and thus
The mention of You is ban
And memory of You – polluted

And proclaimed loudly
“Long live new Queen Mary”
And we also hailed
No, we didn’t act proudly
Such was our treachery
In loving of You we failed

We secretly were looking for a while
Hoping for your coming back
Ridding our horses through streets
Going for many a mile
Until hesitation us struck
And new passion started its blitz

Our old catholic rites
Came back with force overwhelming
And soon were burning the pyres
We were flying high as kites
Faith and destiny claiming
While simply ruled by desires

Though short was Mary’s reign
It left so much burning ash
Still, it purified our hearts
By order of fire and pain
It was some pain, Oh Gosh
Worthy of songs from the bards

And then came Queen Betty
“Mary Magdalene” more than “Queen Virgin”
But we respected Her Grace
And loved wisdom and gaiety
And blossom of arts emerging
Sir William could have his heydays

But now You are back with us
In a true illustrious incarnation
Pretender, not the imposter
All churches' bells made of brass
Announcing your coronation
To take us back into foster

And back is your young husband
Lord Guilford – was it his name?
And all entourage you’ve got
So, let’s check where do we stand
Can we repeat the history again
Without provoking Coup d’etat

Can we restore noble Tudor line
Into the heart of our nation
Avoiding the curse of Stuard dynasty
Will our history go on just fine
No civil wars, beheadings, restauration
Without things getting quite nasty

Well, never so simple is life
We want You as Queen of our heart
But there’ll still be the 5th of November
Catholics will rebel and strive
Puritans and Quakers abroad will dart
All lessons of past we won’t remember

So, think twice, if You want that crown
The glory, love of poets and nation
And dedications of heroic deeds
Maybe it’s better to settle down
Somewhere in Midlands country mansion
And rise a bunch of kids

Enjoying young Guilford-Dudley devotions
Avoiding both noise and esteem
Cause our love is not fake
And drama will come and emotions
If we say “Long live the Queen”
Here is your choice to make.

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