Empty page

“This is a haiku

It’s about nothing at all

Well, exept nothing”

Mollie Myers – A Haiku / Bout Nothing
Empty page
Is full of all kinds of secrets
But it’s an offer
More than a screaming demand
New land just found
The exploration of which
Can spike adrenaline
Invitation to a ramble
Into the far corners
Of existence

Empty page
Is the truest
Form of art
The ideal of infinite
Genius which,
Hasn’t yet
Been dragged through the mud
And cut to
The average, ever applied

Empty page
And empty mind
Are the only remedy
For a human’s loneliness
Faith, Hope and
Untouched yet
By the hell of rejection
The reflection
Of the Highest Feeling
Which does not
Make you scared

Empty page
Is what I aspire to become
I can’t be

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